Travelling Tunnel Formwork

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Technical Details

Mesa Travelling Formwork System has been developed for construction of tunnels, culverts or any immersed tube structure.

This formwork is designed to enable optimum use of each item in the system by arranging the components in variable configurations. Therefore it is possible to form wide range of tunnel cross-sections in a cost-efficient way, regardless of the shapes and loads involved.

In general, tunnels are circular and horse shoe in cross-section depending on their functions and soil type. Regardless of shape or cross-section, they are usually divided into invert and arch sections for concreting.

It is common practice to form and place the curb along both sides of circular and modified horse shoe to provide a base of setting the invert form and runway for the traveler wheels.


  • Heavy load-bearing capacity and resistance to concrete pressure.
  • Modular design enabling fast and easy assembly.
  • System components arranged in variable configurations.
  • Fast and safe implementation.
  • Savings in time and workmanship by hydro-mechanical power systems.
  • Easy to concrete and vibrate.

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